15 things to know when having a baby
I thought I was the greatest parent and then I had children. Imagine this. You sit with splendid joy in your arms. It’s a scene you’ve probably imagined many times in your head during pregnancy. And it hits you. I mean that’s really hitting you. I am a parent. I am responsible for this beautiful piece of life in my hands! What am I doing now? Babies do not come with instructions. I remember many times when I became a parent, in the first year of my life, I wondered why no one had told me this. Like most prospective parents, we took regular prenatal classes, read books, joined BabyCenter and chatted with friends who have recently had a baby. But nothing can prepare you for the first parent experience. It goes without saying that it is one of the most exhausting roller coaster rides of your life. Whether you love kids, have doubts about your parental instincts, or think you’ve figured out all of these parents’ synths, you’ll be amazed. Your life will change unbelievably!
Here are some important guidelines to help you through this process.
1. Breastfeeding Is Difficult But Not Impossible
Breastfeeding isn’t easy and it takes time to get it right. However, this is a good start for your child, and if you choose, arm yourself with the right information. Most breastfeeding problems are easily resolved by seeking appropriate support. Talk to friends who have been successful in breastfeeding to get a real picture and recommend helpful resources like a lactation counselor.
Get all the help you need while you are in the hospital after giving birth. Find a competent lactation consultant who can teach you how to breastfeed. You need to learn how to identify the right latch and whether your child is eating well. La Lecce League and Kelly Mom are great websites where you can find additional support and additional information.
2. Not All Babies Sleep Long Hours.
All baby books and websites state that babies sleep 12-16 hours a day. It makes it sound like they’re always sleeping and you can go about your work. However, not all babies sleep long undisturbed. At first, they sleep 2-4 hours in a row, even at night.
3. So Having A Baby Means You’re Going To Miss A Lot Of Sleep
When I was a mom for a week, I couldn’t get enough sleep. I asked another more experienced friend (if I had two older kids) when I could get a good night’s sleep. She laughed and said: Not until you turn 20!
You gradually realize that sleep is a luxury for new parents. Sleeping when your baby sleeps is the best advice I’ve ever received. No cleaning, no laundry, no cooking during that time, just sleep! Take turns staying up all night.
Whether you choose to sleep together, sleep training, or whatever you choose, do your research and decide what is best for your family. Make sure everyone gets more sleep, at least until you reach the stage where you’re not constantly tired. Otherwise, not only the baby will cry, but you too. You can change your plan at any time if circumstances change.
4. The First Three Months Are The Hardest

It’s not called the 4th quarter for nothing. A newborn baby gradually adjusts to life outside the womb and goes through all kinds of hormonal and physical changes during recovery after birth. Our world is the complete opposite of the safe cocoon from which babies are born. Adapting to constant stimuli, learning to express their needs, and being outside is a big deal for a newborn baby, some adapt easily, others take time. You need to empathize with your child and give them what they need. Cuddling and soothing your baby promises that they won’t stick to your ass forever, not months.
Your emotions will be like a pendulum swinging from one extreme to another. It is important to rest well, eat well, and drink well. You are too likely to lose yourself in the busy life of your new mother, but take care of yourself. Consider your week’s ‘my time’ to reconnect with yourself and rejuvenate. Happy mothers make happy babies.
5. Everyone Will Give Advice For You. Most Of Them Are Unfair.
From family members, neighbors, childless friends, to strangers you stumble upon when your child is crying, everyone will have an opinion and offer advice and suggestions on raising a baby. You will feel that you are not good enough. Trust me. As a new parent you will experience this tremendous desire to get everything right! So it’s natural to worry and ask questions about what you’re doing. But learn to listen to your instincts, find your own parenting philosophy and not be too influenced by everyone’s advice. You will also learn not to judge the choices of other parents if you are open enough.
6. Get All The Support You Can Get
It is true that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. Get all the help you can: you’ll need it. Ask family and friends to look after your baby, even for an hour, so your baby can shower and eat without rushing. If you can help with cooking and housework, don’t turn it down. Make sure partners share responsibilities equally. Don’t worry if your house is cluttered or you have a quick meal. It’s okay to not be a super mom or a super dad. As your baby grows, these problems will resolve on their own. For now, just go with the flow.
Find other new parents in playgroups, parenting support groups, breastfeeding cafes, and even online. It’s easier to ask for help, advice, support and guidance from people who are going through the same stage in life. I didn’t have family around when I had my baby, so I created a support group on Facebook to create my own community of friends and family for support. It was a great comfort to me as a new mom.
7. Babies Are Stronger And More Resilient Than You Know.
Accidents, such as minor falls or collisions with babies, are common, but usually do not cause much damage. Babies are natural explorers, so they don’t help when parents get tired. Luckily, infants have flexible bones and what can cause serious damage to adults often won’t do much harm to small babies.
Besides accidents, there are too many things new parents worry about. Is your baby drinking enough milk? Is her weight okay? Does she have enough teeth? Why is she crying? It’s an endless list, and parents are concerned that they can do everything wrong and ruin their baby.
Measuring a baby’s signs is difficult at times—it takes practice and careful observation—but babies are intelligent humans and will grow beautifully if we don’t interfere.
8. Milestones: It’s Not A Race, So Don’t Compare.
Milestones are indicators of your child’s development, not a measure of his or her growth and development. Celebrate your child’s milestones and let them reach them on their own. Many parents feel that they should help or teach their children to boat, crawl, and walk. Let nature take care of it. These are instinctive and children will achieve this in their own time. Your child doesn’t need support or holding hands to sit down, so they can walk before they even stand up on their own. Allowing children to do it on their own is not only physiologically good (which helps build strong muscle and bone structures), but it also allows them to trust their bodies from a very young age.
9. Capture Your Childhood
My husband has few pictures of the baby and wants more pictures to cherish. So when he knew we were going to have a baby, he insisted on upgrading to a better camera. In fact, it was probably the most expensive baby kit we’ve invested in. And I’m so glad he did, because there are so many beautiful photos and videos of the steps going by too quickly to remember. Looking at my daughter’s baby picture, I thought to myself, ‘Oh my! I forgot that! Sometimes it feels like the picture is of a completely different baby. They change too quickly. It’s amazing. Needless to say, most of you are too tired to remember everything.
Needless to say, you will want to capture every moment. New parents are naturally obsessed with their newborn baby.
10. Babies Don’t Need Much.
All you need is a lot of diapers, a few baby pajamas, a few blankets and a set. Newborns don’t need fancy tools. So think before you buy that fancy toy. All they need in abundance is your love and presence. Most first-time parents tend to buy all the latest gadgets to make life easier. But go slow and check your parent’s recommendations and seriously consider if you need it. Instead, you can save that money for the future.
11. Plan Your Finances
Having a baby is an expensive proposition. While previous generations of parents set aside money for college and weddings, many parents today need to think about childcare as well. Childcare is expensive, so consider it before you have a baby. These days, child support is the largest portion of the family budget. This is understandable, as it is often said that childcare costs are equal to or higher than college costs.
12. Going Anywhere Is Going To Be A Big Deal
It takes 45 minutes to prepare for a quick run to the store for milk and bread. It’s like packing for an overnight trip. You will have a long list of things to carry with you and forgetfulness as a result of lack of sleep and will be slowed down by complete fatigue. Always stock up on a diaper bag and have it ready to go. When you’re too tired to think, but need to stop by the store for essentials, keep your checklist handy. If you’re planning on having a great evening, you’ll need to do some fine-tuning and give the babysitter some troubleshooting guidance.
13. Reconnect As A Couple
Parenting is difficult in your relationship. Especially in the early days when new situations are challenging for both and survival is the main goal. That’s a big blow to the best couples. You don’t have enough time to finish chores or errands. Both are exhausted and with babies around, romance is no longer on the agenda. So it’s important to spend time with each other as a couple without talking about responsibilities or babies. If you can’t organize a babysitter often, arrange a date night at home. If you are arguing in front of a baby, make up in front of the baby as well. It is important to create a healthy, happy and safe environment for your child to grow up in.
14. You Will Get New Skills
Children teach us a lot about life. The child will find true joy in the simplest things. They teach you to love unconditionally, to forgive, to give, to be honest, to be caring, to trust your instincts, to be patient, to be patient.
Simply put, your baby will learn to be a ninja around them when they sleep. I can’t remember what to do, but even in the middle of the night I know the words of every rhyme. Learn to eat super fast or with one hand. You will learn to do many things on your own. You will become an expert in nonverbal communication and baby language. For a while, it will seem that only you can interpret what your baby is saying. You will learn to sleep anywhere, anytime.
15. Enjoy Your Baby – Babies Grow So Fast.
To be a parent is to be filled with love, joy, hope, and unimaginable joy, even when the bones are weary. You will laugh more than ever. Sleepless nights, potty training, irritability, all the madness will soon be over. Time flies and in the blink of an eye your baby will be a toddler and ready to go to school without you even knowing it. Taste Baby Steps. It’s very special and short-lived, so you’ll miss it when it’s gone. Watching your children grow up is one of life’s most magical and mystical experiences. Constantly worry about the baby and do not panic.
you’ll be fine Don’t take life too seriously. Relax and have a good time enjoying this beautiful gift you have been blessed with with your family.